Hi There, I'm Nutty! Last updated: 12th November 2007

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Saturday/Sunday 8th/9th July 2006, Covered dining facilities!

Seating for one, dinner is served
Swish new indoor restaurant, pigeon-proof too.
Now, we just need a customer...

Our first happy customer
Enjoying the view
...and here he is! Welcome, Nutty, to the finest restaurant in the garden!

Tuesday 20th June 2006, Food al fresco

I never tire of peanuts
Making a bit of a mess, but eating is such fun!

Hey - hold that hand steady!
I never tire of dining out in the sunshine

I'll hold still for just a second, between mouthfuls
Make sure you get my good side

Sunday 4th June 2006, Squirreling away food for a rainy day

Being kindly fed
Mealtime again, but just in case there's no food tomorrow...

off to bury some nuts, at Supersonic speed!
...I must go and bury some nuts...
(I'm running so fast you can hardly see me!)

must put them somewhere no-one else will find them
...somewhere secret where nobody knows...

Is there any more food?
...Finished! Now then, is there any more food for me?

Saturday 3rd June 2006, Squirrel Heaven!

Wow - this'll keep me going for a few mealtimes!
Squirrel Heaven - it doesn't get any better than this!

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